Friday, December 3, 2010

The Roosters Lay Eggs in Kansas

Although I'm just starting this out, I'll go ahead and start with how I've been feeling lately. It sometime helps me to get it all out on paper (or in typed out, as it were). I've just been so down as of late. I'll be happy for a little while, or I'll pretend to be while I'm out and around people and then just about as soon as I get alone I burst into tears. I always feel stupid when I get this way because I think these ridiculously sad feelings are unwarranted. But at the same time, you feel what you feel no matter why you feel it... right? I just don't know.
I know a few reasons why I get so upset, even though I think they're pretty silly. For one I feel like I let take people take advantage of me. Don't get me wrong, I do not mind doing nice things for people, but sometimes it would be nice if I'd get something in return. Maybe that's selfish, and thinking that it might be makes me feel like I'm an awful person and creates all this self-loathing.
Another reason I get down is because I feel very lonely a lot. Not that I'm not around people fairly often, but I just don't always feel connected with them. I'd like to find someone I can tell my problems to and just have them listen and know that it's okay not to give me advice or tell me how to fix it. Along those same lines, I do live with my ex-boyfriend. That's not nearly as detrimental as it could be, but I get really quite angry when I just see him. And especially when I think about the fact that he hurt me, found somebody super quick and is happy. It somehow seems unfair and makes me bitter, like I should have been the one that gets to find someone after having my heart stomped all over.
But, I think probably the biggest thing that's bothering me is that I worry that I'm just wasting time in school playing the oboe. Am I going to be able to get a job anywhere!? I think all musicians have similar fears, but just in the past few weeks I've felt particularly inadequate and unsatisfied with the way I've been playing.
So that's my life in a nutshell at the moment. Super sad and emotional. If you happen to see me and I look like I've been crying, I probably have - but it's okay.