Saturday, January 22, 2011

At Least You Don't Have the Stubbiest Toes in Your Family

I was thinking today about why it is that I like the movie "The Exorcist" so much. First off, just let me say that it is a very well made film with excellent acting and writing. But, it seems to go so far beyond that for me.
I've watched several documentaries and heard the director and the writer of the book talk about what it means. They all say it's about the mystery of faith. Well, while I may not be a cinematographic or literary critic, I disagree. For me it's really just about how life fucks you over no matter what. Think about it... an innocent 12 year old girl becomes possessed by the demon Pazuzu, or as it says "the Devil himself."
Now, perhaps one may think this Devil is punishing the mother for something she's done wrong in her life? Possibly. Even so, I think that's an example of life fucking you over. It's not the little girl's fault, she's screwed.
Anyway, the point is life sucks a lot of the time and whether you think it's God, Karma, or whatever else life is often full of shit and unfair.

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