Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I should probably preface this entry with a foreword: I love my friends very much and they mean the world to me and I love them and they love me too, but I am about to bitch about people and if I am making it sound as if nobody likes me I don't mean to. Okay - that's out of the way.
I had a thought today, one I have kind of often but just dismiss as me being silly. But the more I thought about it it seemed true. Time for the back story before the thought!! I had been hanging out a lot over at a certain house on Market St (haha) with my friend K and we always had a pretty good time and the people there seemed to like us too. K "talked" with one of the people there and everything kinda went south - I mean shit happens. Since it happened I've not been over there at all and no one that hangs out there has talked to me. Some of them still talk to K quite a bit... which brings me to the thought. They didn't really like me, they liked her and since we are besties I just came with her. Essentially, they put up with me. I am probably just being overly emotional, but I thought I had started to make new friends - no easy task for me. They didn't really care about me though. I shouldn't be upset - they shouldn't be worth my time. It's a self-esteem crusher, though.
I guess this is always a fear of mine when I make a new friend or friends. I worry they don't really like me. This time it was true... ugh. Such is life.

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